11:11 activation code
The Cosmic "GO for IT" sign from the Universe.
Happy November 11 dear Visionaries!
Today and every year we have the opportunity to experience this vibration for a whole day, with its highest power at 11:11 twice this day!
Here I share with you a couple of stories that will help you understand, integrate and activate this awakening code into your sacred journey!
Another interpretation of the power of this code
At last,
Today we had an amazing Despacho Ceremony and Ritual Blessing to announce the release and opening of our VisionaryTRiBE Academy. An online school for Visionary Artists of all disciplines that want to learn and practice Magick and Shamanic wisdom in their creative process.
This is also an opportunity for you to learn more about this Legacy Project and also an invitation to be part of this amazing HeartQuest
If you what to live a Magical Creative Life!
There are so many opportunities for co-creation and ways to contribute as a member,
supporting this magical adventure of a lifetime!