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Writer's pictureSoniko Waira

The Birth of ChakanaQuest: A Journey to the Heart of Wisdom

Welcome to this journey into the center of your Heart.

Dear fellow traveler on the path of self-discovery,

As I sit here, reflecting on the incredible journey that has led to the creation of ChakanaQuest, my heart swells with gratitude. Every step, every teacher, every mentor, guide, and experience has woven together to create this moment, this opportunity to share with you.

Today, I extend an invitation – not just to read these words, but to embark on a magical journey to the center of your heart. My deepest intention is to ignite within you a spark, a calling to connect with your own path of evolution.

What first drew me to the shamanic path was the profound sense of connection it offered – a way to feel united with everything from my heart to the vast universe, from the world of spirit to the realm of matter, from my own biology to the intricate tapestry of nature. It's a beautiful dance of co-creation with all life.

In this journey, I've come to embrace the powerful truth: "I am another you." This simple phrase encapsulates the most profound way to recognize our shared essence, to see the divine reflection in each other.

ChakanaQuest, this powerful container designed to offer participants a quantum leap on their path of self-realization, draws inspiration from two ancient prophecies that have echoed through the Americas since time immemorial: the prophecy of the Rainbow Warriors and the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor.

This quest is a journey through the three levels of sacred existence:

  • The Hananpacha or the world of Spirit and Ideas

  • The Kaypacha or the world of Sound and Movement

  • The Ukhupacha the Underworld or the world of Matter and the unconscious

The seed of this metaphysical container was planted back in 2012 with the creation of the Heart Map Experience – my methodology that I'm passionate about sharing with those who resonate with my guidance.

So I ask you, dear reader:

Are you ready for the greatest adventure of your lifetime? 

Are you prepared to dive deep into the wisdom of ancient traditions, to explore the vast landscapes of your inner world, and to emerge transformed?

Every step of the journey provide us with a gift.

The inspiration for this vision came to me in the rugged beauty of Lilooet, BC (Bear Country), back in 2013, I found myself at the International Indigenous Leadership Gathering (IILG). It was there, amidst the sharing of ancient knowledge and vibrant ceremonies, that I witnessed a profound disconnect. A sea of eager faces, hungry for indigenous wisdom, yet unsure how to approach the wisdom keepers with respect and understanding. The desire to learn was palpable, but the path was unclear. I realized there was something missing. It was a solid foundation for Identity.

As the years unfolded, I observed another phenomenon sweeping across the spiritual landscape – the rising tide of plant medicine ceremonies. People flocked to these experiences, seeking life-changing revelations. However, this surge of interest brought with it a wave of opportunism. Individuals with limited experience began offering these powerful plants without proper protocols or training. The result was a concerning trend that often caused more harm than healing.

Later, on another mystical experience. As I contemplated the beauty of the Andean lands, at the top of a majestic mountain in Ecuador, surrounded by the ancient spirits of the Apus, a profound vision unfolded before me. This transformative moment, amplified by the sacred teachings of Wachuma, seamlessly connected with the hunger for connection and self-empowerment I had witnessed in so many seekers. 

In that ethereal space between earth and sky, I saw with crystal clarity a path of purpose – a journey that would empower others to reconnect with their divine essence and create their own reality. It was as if the mountains themselves were whispering, urging me to step fully into my role as a teacher, guide, and mentor. I realized then that my calling was not to lead, but to walk beside those who were meant to find this path, offering the tools and concepts they needed to unlock their own innate wisdom. 

For two decades, I had been walking my own path, learning from indigenous wisdom keepers, and for the past 4 years, serving as a priest in the lineage of the Andean shamanic path. The call to share what I had learned grew stronger with each passing day. I felt a deep responsibility to guide others, not only in understanding these profound teachings but also I saw the need to create a container that prepared them to make the most of their plant medicine experiences.

This vision became the blueprint for a sacred container where I could fulfill my purpose of accompanying others on their journey to self-realization, always honoring the truth that each individual holds the power to shape their destiny from the wellspring of their own divinity.

It was from this calling that ChakanaQuest was born – a life-changing pilgrimage to the center of the heart. This unique journey combines a 90-day shamanic training with a 7-day adventure in Ecuador, designed to empower participants to make a quantum leap into a higher version of themselves. Inspired by the Andean concept of Qhapaq Ñan (the wisdom path), ChakanaQuest is an initiation into the path of self-realization.

So, as we stand on the precipice of transformation, I invite you to take a deep breath and feel the energy of possibility that surrounds you. The journey of self-realization is not just a personal quest; it is a collective awakening that resonates through the very fabric of our existence. Each step you take on this path brings you closer to your true essence and empowers you to manifest the life you were born to live.

ChakanaQuest is more than a pilgrimage; it is a sacred invitation to reconnect with your heart, embrace your unique gifts, and align with the wisdom of the ancients. Together, we will explore the depths of your being, unlocking the doors to creativity, purpose, and profound connection with all that is.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. I am here to walk alongside you, offering guidance, support, and the tools you need to navigate your own sacred path. The mountains have called us to rise, to awaken, and to co-create a reality filled with love, compassion, and unity.

The journey begins long before we set foot in Ecuador. For 90 days, participants engage in a one-of-a-kind shamanic training, connecting deeply with their sacred vision and preparing body, mind, and spirit for the transformative experiences ahead.

ChakanaQuest is more than just a trip or a workshop – it's an answer to the growing need for authentic, respectful, and properly guided spiritual experiences. It's a bridge between the ancient wisdom of indigenous cultures and the modern seeker's quest for meaning and purpose.

Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and transformation? To step onto the wisdom path and connect to the wisdom of your own heart?

Join me in this adventure of a lifetime as we embark on ChakanaQuest together. Let us step boldly into the unknown, trusting in the divine unfolding of our journeys.

The time is now – your heart knows the way. Embrace this opportunity, and let’s create magic together! 

Visit to learn more and secure your place in this life-changing experience.

The path to self-realization awaits – will you answer the call?

With love and gratitude,

Soniko Waira.

Founder of the Heart Map Experience

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